Speaking in Parliament, Ombudsman Maya Manolova said the fight against the iniquity of monopolies in Bulgaria was heavy and uneven. In a report on her activities during the year, the Ombudsman pointed out that there was little to boast when it came..
Bulgaria’s printed media accentuate on Wednesday on the street protests held in Sofia on Tuesday against the expected increase of the prices of natural gas, central heating and electricity. "The State Energy and Water Regulatory Committee has postponed..
Bulgaria’s printed media informs on Friday about the multiple technical failures at Sofia’s central heating company Toplofikatsiya which left thousands of citizens without central heating for several days. Some headlines of the Friday’s newspapers..
Cargo vehicles formed nearly fifteen kilometer-long queue at Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint at the Bulgaria-Turkey border. The TIR drivers have been complaining about the lack of any living conditions. According to standards, the cargo documents..
National Ombudsman Maya Manolova and representatives of the initiative committee for organizing a referendum have submitted to parliament a proposal for amendments to the Election Code. The proposal envisages a 100 percent majority electoral..
Ombudsman Maya Manolova, the Interior Ministry and NGOs are to draft a cooperation agreement. The document will ensure there is direct supervision of the way the measures for the removal and expulsion of foreign nationals are being implemented, so as..
There are 150 unaccompanied child refugees in Bulgaria, though their numbers are constantly changing – this was announced at a public discussion on the problem in Sofia. More than 2,300 unaccompanied children have passed through the country this..
“I am ready to initiate legislation changes that would clearly regulate the protection of small-scale fruit producers”, National Ombudsman Maya Manolova has told the press in Kyustendil. Maya Manolova has pointed out that cold weather in the..
Bulgaria’s Ombudsman Maya Manolova sent to National Assembly President Tsetska Tsacheva a letter of proposals regarding amendments and supplements to the Election Code. The Bulgarians living abroad demanded such amendments, so that the National..