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от 12.00 часа
Danube Bridge - Ruse

The new bridges between Bulgaria and Romania are a matter of political will

The start of the major repair of the Danube Bridge near Ruse is the reason for a serious conversation about the connectivity between Bulgaria and Romania. Along the 409 km long border, there are just two bridges and 5 ferries, some of..

10.07.24 13:20 |

Lancement des travaux de réhabilitation du pont sur le Danube à Roussé

Les travaux de réhabilitation du pont sur le Danube à Roussé démarrent le 10 juillet, a annoncé l'Agence à l'Infrastructure routière. Ils dureront de 10 à 12 heures par jour, mais la circulation des véhicules ne sera pas complètement stoppée. Les travaux se..

10.07.24 08:00 |

Bulgaria and Romania work jointly on improving navigation along the Danube

Navigation conditions along the River Danube will be improved with the EUR 10 million European project DISMAR , the Bulgarian news agency BTA reports, quoting Ivelin Zanev, CEO of the Executive Agency "Exploration and Maintenance of the..

30.06.24 08:05 |
Danube River close to Vidin

Bulgaria is marking International Danube Day

Danube Day was proclaimed 20 years ago today and has been celebrated with various initiatives ever since. This year's motto "Keep the Danube Blue" calls on people living in the Danube basin to raise their awareness and be active in protecting the river..

29.06.24 11:26 |
Ruse-Giurgiu bridge over the Danuce

Third Danube bridge and Ruse-Giurgiu ferry are key projects for the region

Bulgaria has a crucial role to play in the connectivity of several regions. It lies at a crossroads between the Balkan Peninsula, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea.   This was stated by Deputy Transport Minister Anna Natova at a meeting..

28.06.24 17:10 |
The Danube near Budapest

The Danube must become an internal river for the European Union

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg has pointed out the need for all the countries of the Danube region to join the European Union and for the Danube to become an internal river for the EU, BNT has reported.  This year,..

21.06.24 08:55 |
Model of the fortress, the patriarchal residence and the basilica in Drastar.

Archaeologists discuss the most significant discoveries in Bulgaria in recent years

From 4 to 8 June, the Danube town of Silistra will host the 62nd National Conference of Archaeologists in Bulgaria.  Papers will be presented on the most significant archaeological investigations carried out in recent years.  Scholars from..

04.06.24 06:05 |

5e édition du "Summer Vibes Festival" à Vidin...

Pour la 5e année consécutive, la ville de Vidin sur le Danube organise le " Summer Vibes Festival". Les 1er et 2 juin, sur le site de la forteresse "Baba Vida", les enfants seront initiés à des divertissements plus sains en plein air dans un univers..

01.06.24 10:00 |

Météo : Samedi pluvieux

Une journée de grisaille avec des précipitations, par endroits des averses orageuses, moins intenses le long du Danube. La pluie cessera dans la soirée. Les températures minimales seront comprises entre 8° et 13°C, 9 degrés à Sofia. Les valeurs..

03.05.24 20:00 |

Randonnée aquatique en kayak "Yantra-Danube"

La 56 e édition de la randonnée aquatique "Yantra-Danube" aura lieu du 30 avril au 3 mai 2024, comme annoncé par l’Union touristique bulgare. La flottille de plusieurs dizaines de kayaks descendra les méandres fleuris de la rivière Yantra sous les..

09.04.24 16:28 |
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