Without any designated meetings of any members of the joint historical Bulgaria-North Macedonia commission, without resuming the discussion, all of a sudden it transpired that some kind of accord had once more been reached on the sensitive..
Einer von drei Bulgaren kann nicht alle seine Rechnungen bezahlen, berichtete das Bulgarische Nationale Fernsehen (BNT) und berief sich dabei auf eine im Frühjahr durchgeführte Umfrage von „Eurofund“. Daraus geht hervor, dass die Menschen in der..
The European Commission has approved a €218 million State aid to support agricultural producers in context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its negative economic impact. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis..
Solutions to the problem with gas shortages should be sought at the pan-European level, where Bulgaria can have a its voice heard, Vice President Iliana Iotova said, quoted by BNT. According to her, from now on this country should look..
The Czech presidency of the European Union has been considering a complete ban on the issuance of visas to Russian citizens in the next package of sanctions against Moscow. The idea will be proposed at an informal meeting of foreign..
Due to a problematic project in the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an announced public procurement, for which a candidate contractor has not been found, the first payment under the Recovery and Resilience Plan may be delayed, announced the Deputy..
Die Regierung hat das Dekret über die Organisation und Koordinierung der Verhandlungen Bulgariens über seine Mitgliedschaft in der Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) verabschiedet. Der Beitritt zur OECD ist..
Bulgaria's caretaker government has adopted the decree on the organization and coordination of Bulgaria's negotiations for membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Joining the OECD is the country's most..
Der bulgarische Europaabgeordnete Radan Kanew hat die Europäische Kommission gefragt, ob sie die Fertigstellung der griechisch-bulgarischen Gasverbindung überwacht und ob die Regierungen Bulgariens und Griechenlands Erklärungen für die Gründe der..
Bulgarian enterprises say they are worried how the country plans to comply with the EU’s recommendations to cut down on natural gas consumption by 15%. Bulgargaz is looking for gas for November and December According to Bulgarian Industrial..