Dimitar Berbatow wird auf dem bevorstehenden Kongress für den Posten des Präsidenten des Bulgarischen Fußballverbandes kandidieren. Das teilte er heute auf einer Pressekonferenz selbst mit. "Ich hatte das Privileg, mit dem besten Trainer, Sir Alex..
Dimitar Berbatov düzenlenecek olan Bulgar Futbol Birliği kongresinde başkan adayı olacak . Bunu kendisi bugün bir basın toplantısında bildirdi. "Sir Alex Ferguson gibi en iyi antrenör ile çalışma ayrıcalığına sahiptim . Şimdi kariyerimde yeni..
Dimitar Berbatov is going to run for president of the Bulgarian Football Union at the upcoming congress. He announced this himself at a press conference held today. "I had the privilege of working with the best coach, Sir Alex..
Dimitar Berbatov a posé sa candidature à la présidence de l'Association du football bulgare, comme il l'a annoncé lors d'une conférence de presse. "J'ai eu le privilège de travailler avec le meilleur entraîneur, Sir Alex Ferguson. J'ouvre une nouvelle..
La Fondation du célèbre footballeur Dimitar Berbatov a donné le coup d’envoi d’une nouvelle campagne de bienfaisance intitulée « Chaque enfant – en classe ». Le but de celle-ci consiste à ce qu’il y ait moins d’enfants privés d’accès à l’éducation dans..
La Fundación del famoso futbolista búlgaro Dimitar Berbatov ha anunciado el inicio de una nueva campaña con el nombre de “Cada niño en clase”. Su objetivo es que haya menos niños privados del acceso a educación en estados de emergencia. La..
Bulgarian football star Dimitar Berbatov has joined the team of the decade of Manchester United. The ranking is made by the popular English website talksport.com. There were so many moments of individual brilliance, none more so than an incredible..
The United Stars team headed by Bulgarian football player Dimitar Berbatov drew 3:3 with the All Stars team headed by Portuguese footbal star Luis Figo in a charity match played in Vasil Levski National Stadium in Sofia in the presence of nearly 35,000..
Before tonight’s All Starts vs. United Stars match in which football legends selected by Luis Figo will be playing versus stars selected by Dimitar Berbatov in Sofia, President Rumen Radev awarded the two organizers the Honorary Sign of the President...
Bulgaristan Milli Futbol takımını yıldızı Dimitar Berbatov , gelecek sene Güney Afrika’da yapılacak Dünya Birinciliği’ne ait eleme gruplarında oynanan Bulagristan’in son maçında üç gol attı. Evet, Bulgaristan Gürcistan’a karşı 6:2 skor ile kesin bir..