Eмисия новини
от часа

Eurodeputații o confirmă pe bulgăroaica Iliana Ivanova ca nou comisar european

Parlamentul European a confirmat-o pe candidata bulgară la funcția de comisar european Iliana Ivanova. Candidatura ei a fost aprobată cu 522 de voturi "pentru", 27 "împotrivă" și 51 de "abțineri" pentru comisarul european pentru Inovare, Cercetare,..

12.09.23 15:45 |
PM Nikolay Denkov

There is no discrepancy in the positions of the PM and the defence minister on military aid to Ukraine, PM Denkov says

Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov denied there was any discrepancy between himself and Defence Minister Todor Tagarev regarding the military aid for Ukraine. Defense Ministry: The presidential institution manipulates public opinion His..

10.07.23 08:38 |
President Rumen Radev

Rumen Radev: Bulgaria's reaction to the events in Russia should be to strengthen its defence capacity within NATO

"The situation in Russia is dynamic.  We need to know the real reasons for what is happening - whether Prigozhin's goal is the overthrow of Putin or his old quarrels with the Ministry of Defense and the struggle for supremacy at the front".  This was..

24.06.23 13:19 |
Iliana Iotova

Vicepreședintele Iotova spune că rețelele de socializare au devenit mijloace de comunicare manipulatoare

În spatele știrilor false se ascund strategii care au ca scop manipularea opiniei publice și slăbirea instituțiilor care funcționează bine. Zvonurile false și dezinformarea reprezintă de mult timp o amenințare globală, dar astăzi pericolul este mult mai..

12.06.23 12:45 |
Iliana Iotova at the conference

Vice President Iotova says social networks have become manipulative media

Behind fake news lie strategies that aim to manipulate public opinion and weaken well-functioning institutions . False rumours and misinformation have been a global threat for a long time, but today the danger is much greater because digital platforms..

12.06.23 11:21 |
Iliana Iotova

Vice President Iliana Iotova: Statehood is being destroyed

“Statehood is being destroyed in an unprecedented way,” said Vice President Iliana Iotova in a comment on the leaked audio recording from the meeting of the National Council of We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria at which the formation of a..

27.05.23 12:56 |

Colourful Africa Day in Sofia’s city centre

Africa Day is taking place in the city garden in front of the Ivan Vazov National Theatre in Sofia today. The event will be opened by Vice President Iliana Iotova, and will feature a diverse musical programme and a bazaar of traditional..

27.05.23 07:30 |
Days in Bulgarian Culture in Cyprus, 21 May 2023

Bulgaria's Vice President joins Days of Bulgarian Culture celebration in Cyprus

A big festive concert was held in Cyprus today bringing together many Bulgarians, children, parents, teachers to mark the upcoming Day of Bulgarian Culture, Education and Letters - May 24.  It was part of the 25th edition of the Days of Bulgarian..

21.05.23 19:16 |
Вицепрезидентът Илияна Йотова.

VP Iotova is in Cyprus at the invitation of the Bulgarian community

The Bulgarian community and the Bulgarian schools in Cyprus are starting today a rich festive program on the occasion of May 24 - the Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and of the Slavonic..

20.05.23 10:09 |
Președintele macedonean Stevo Pendarovski

Președintele macedonean a recunoscut că există o listă pentru a nu le permite bulgarilor intrare în Macedonia de Nord

Înaintea reuniunii Consiliului Europei de la Reykjavik, vicepreședintele Iliana Iotova a ridicat problema încălcării sistematice de către Skopje a drepturilor omului pentru bulgarii macedoneni. De asemenea, ea a prezentat în cadrul forumului cazul..

18.05.23 10:15 |
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