7 years after the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, Bulgaria remains consistent in its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. We..
Die Einkommensverteilung innerhalb der Europäischen Union ist in Bulgarien am ungleichmäßigsten. Der Einkommensunterschied zwischen Arm und Reich liegt über das Achtfache, weisen die Angaben von Eurostat für das Jahr 2020 aus. Laut dem..
“ Bulgaria and another 5 EU countries are proposing a compensation mechanism for the distribution of vaccines against Covid-19 in the EU per capita of the population , and for these ten countries or so which have smaller amounts of vaccines to..
Der österreichische Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz, der bulgarische Ministerpräsident Bojko Borissow sowie ihre Amtskollegen aus Lettland, Slowenien, Kroatien und Tschechien - Arturs Krisjanis Karins, Janez Jansa, Andrej Plenkovic und Andrei Babis äußerte..
All contradictions between Bulgaria and North Macedonia must be resolved. The next generations would not forgive us if we miss ed this great opportunity, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said at a meeting..
Derzeit werden keine Verhandlungen über den Kauf des russischen Impfstoffs "Sputnik V" auf EU-Ebene geführt. Das erklärte die Europäische Kommission gegenüber der Korrespondentin des Bulgarischen Nationalen Rundfunks in Brüssel, Angelina Piskowa...
Currently, there are not negotiations underway over purchasing doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine at EU level. This was what the European Commission told correspondent of the Bulgarian National Radio in Brussels, Angelina Piskova...
The Council of Europe has published the responses of Bulgarian authorities to a report from the end of 2020 of the Committee for Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The document had made..
The coronavirus situation and the pressure on hospitals are under control. Bulgaria has everything need ed for the battle with Covid-19. Vaccine deliveries continue. The news has been reported at a working meeting with Prime..
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has talked on the phone with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. PM Borissov has backed the chancellor's initiative for a check on the supply and distribution of vaccines agreed by the European..