Iran has delivered the first batch of drones to Russia, but they are apparently defective, DW writes, quoting the Washington Post. According to the American edition, which refers to sources from the secret services, as early as August 19, the Russians..
Irani i ka dorëzuar Rusisë grupin e parë të dronëve, por me sa duket janë me defekt, shkruan botimi elektronik DW, duke cituar Washington Post. Sipas botimit amerikan, i cili iu referohet burimeve nga shërbimet sekrete, që më 19 gusht rusët marën..
Vor einigen Tagen kehrte das Team der Theaterproduktion „Shahnameh: Sage von Zāl“ nach Bulgarien zurück, mit der das internationale Programm der 40. Jubiläumsausgabe des „Fajr International Theater Festival“ in Teheran eröffnet wurde. Die..
Fjalën e parë bullgare të cilën doktori Abdullah Zargar e mëson është e lidhur me mirësinë. Vit pas viti ai bën vepra të mira, duke mjekuar pacientët e vet në një krahinë të varfër në Bullgari. Kurse kur kishte nevojë për përkrahjen e njerëzve,..
Das erste bulgarische Wort, das Dr. Abdullah Zargar hörte, ist mit dem Guten verbunden. Jahr um Jahr tut er nun Gutes und kümmert sich um die Gesundheit seiner Patienten in einer von Gott vergessenen Region. Und wenn er am dringendsten..
The players from the Bulgarian national team for boys under 19, Alexander Nikolov and Stoil Palev, have been included in the ideal line-up of the tournament's best players at the FIVB Boys' Under-19 World Championship held in Iran . Although..
Les joueurs nationaux de volley de moins de 19 ans Alexandre Nikolov et Stoïl Palev se sont classés pour l’Equipe "idéale" du Championnat du monde masculin de volleyball juniors FIVB en Iran. Malgré la perte qu’a subie la Bulgarie face à la Pologne à la..
The volleyball players from the Bulgarian under-19 national team lost the final battle against the Polish team in the final of the 2021 World Cup in Tehran (Iran) with a score of 3: 0 (25:20, 25:19, 25:19) and took the silver medals . To reach the..
Die Volleyballer der bulgarischen U19-Nationalmannschaft verloren im Endspiel der WM 2021 in Teheran (Iran) den Endkampf gegen das polnische Team mit 3:0 (25:20, 25:19, 25:19) und holten die Silbermedaillen. Um das Finale zu erreichen, eliminierten die..
The Bulgaria U19 Men’s National Volleyball Team has qualified for the final of 2021 FIVB Volleyball Boy’s U19 World Championships in Iran. In the first semifinal played in Tehran, Bulgaria defeated Russia 3:2 (14:25; 25:21; 25:20; 20:25; 15:13)...