The economies of the countries from Central and Eastern Europe will grow steadily and their GDPs will mark and average increase of 3% in 2018, financial analysts of UniCredit forecast. It became clear during the Euromoney economic forum held in Vienna...
In Sofia, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has presented to the management of 12 large American companies the potential of this country for attracting investments, as well as its potential for industrial co-operation. Foreign companies are..
Germany is strategic and leading trade partner of Bulgaria and the German companies are reliable investors, because they have long-term commitments in that country, Bulgaria’s Minister of Economy Emil Karanikolov said in Sofia at a meeting with..
I am confident that the number of investors in Northwestern Bulgaria is yet to increase, Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov said in the town of Cherven Bryag where he visited a machine-building factory. The Austrian investors have recently expanded the..
The second largest tobacco company according to its shares on the world market – British American Tobacco (BAT) announced that it has made substantial investments in Bulgaria and that it is signing contracts for the purchasing of leading brands..
The China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation , CRRC has officially informed the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications of its investment intentions in Bulgaria The corporation is proposing to refinance the debts of..
Bulgaria’s cabinet has adopted the country’s stand for the forthcoming sitting of the European Council on March 9 and 10 in Brussels. A Bulgarian delegation will support the measures aimed at promoting investments, economic growth and employment in the..
Just days before the outgoing cabinet steps out of office, at a meeting with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov in Sofia, three major Chinese companies announced serious investment intentions in Bulgaria. Global online retailer Alibaba Group plans to..
The decision of Great Britain to leave the European Union will slow down economic growth in Bulgaria and as a result the budget deficit is likely to go up, Unicredit Bulbank has said. According to the bank the shock of Britain’s decision will cause a..
Germany is Bulgaria’s most important trade partner and strategic investor, Bulgaria’s President Rossen Plevneliev said after the meeting in Sofia with German President Joachim Gauck. President Plevneliev pointed out that there are over 5,000 active..