Five major Bulgarian commercial banks are to go under the direct supervision of the European Central Bank as of October 1, 2020 , BNR reports. This is part of the cooperation of the Bulgarian National Bank with the European financial institution on the..
Insurance companies have taken 2.3 billion euro abroad in search of higher yields for their assets. The money is being transferred mostly to EU countries, the Bulgarian National Bank, BNB announced. The year on year export of insurance capital..
More than 107,000 loans are subject to a temporary moratorium due to the economic consequences of Covid-19 at the end of July. This is clear from data of the Bulgarian National Bank , BNR reports.The total value of these loans is over nine billion levs..
At the end of July 2020, the deposits of the non-governmental sector amounted to EUR 44.94 billion. The amount is 79.1 percent of the GDP. The annual increase in deposits is 8.4%, according to the Bulgarian National Bank. Deposits of..
Companies from offshore zones have invested in Bulgaria over 4.3 billion euros for the period from 1990 until the end of March 2020. This is 9.4% of the volume of foreign investment in the country. EUR 45.981 billion is the total amount of foreign..
The Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) is extending the deadline for submission of applications by clients of commercial banks for deferral of liabilities payable to banks until September 30, 2020. The deadline for moratorium on liabilities of bank..
Bulgaria is joining the Single Resolution Mechanism, the Bulgarian National Bank, BNB has announced. As of 1 October, 2020, the European Central Bank is assuming direct supervision of Bulgaria’s financial institutions via the Single..
In April, the profit of banks in Bulgaria shrank by nearly 60%, data from the Bulgarian National Bank indicates. For the month falling within the state of emergency introduced in mid-March, the profit reported by banks amounted to 30 m euros, up more..
At the end of March 2020, Bulgaria’s gross external debt stood at EUR 33,495 billion, or 51.5% of the country’s gross domestic product. The gross foreign debt decreased by 1.7% (EUR 576 million) as compared to the end of 2019. Bulgaria’s..
The Bulgarian National Bank will put a new 10 Leva banknote into circulation on June 12, 2020. The overall design of the banknote will not be subject to any significant changes as compared to the 10 Leva banknotes which are already in..