Defence Minister Todor Tagarev admitted that Bulgaria has problems with the maintenance of its MiG-29 aircraft . He added that the planes should remain in service until they are replaced by F-16s. "The MiG-29s are upkept with an effort, but their..
Ministerul Apărării a încheiat procedura de achiziție publică pentru livrarea a 6 motoare revizuite pentru avioanele de vânătoare MiG-29, relatează agenția bulgară de știri BTA, citând date din registrul de achiziții publice. Motivul este că nu a fost..
Bulgaria nu a declarat niciodată și nici nu s-a oferit să doneze Ucrainei avioanele sale de vânătoare MiG-29, a declarat ministrul Apărării, Dimitar Stoianov. El a pus la îndoială credibilitatea documentelor care au făcut obiectul unor scurgeri de..
Ministerul Apărării nu a purtat discuții cu privire la furnizarea gratuită a avioanelor de vânătoare bulgare MiG-29 către Ucraina, se arată într-un comunicat al ministerului apărării. La începutul zilei, CNN a relatat că, potrivit unuia dintre..
Bulgarian Ministry of Defence is in urgent demand for six MiG-29 engines . A public procurement worth 13.3 million euros including VAT has been announced. The deadline for submission of bids is 30 April. 2023 was to be the last year in which..
Φέτος η Βουλγαρία θα πρέπει να αποφασίσει εάν θα επεκτείνει με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο τον χρόνο χρήσης των μαχητικών αεροσκαφών MiG-29. Στη Διάσκεψη του Αρχηγού Άμυνας στη Σόφια, με τη συμμετοχή του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας Ρούμεν Ράντεφ , έγινε..
More than 500 service persons have been deployed to guard Bulgaria’s border, caretaker Minister of Defence Dimitar Stoyanov said for bTV. This is not the army’s first time at the border, the service persons know the terrain well and are doing a good..
“There is a risk of Bulgaria’s air force being incapable of carrying combat duty,” said caretaker Defence Minister Dimitar Stoyanov as he presented his team. “The MIG-29 aircraft will be fit for action until mid-2023. Negotiations are underway..
Es bestehe die Gefahr, dass die bulgarische Luftverteidigung ihre Pflichten nicht erfüllen könne, warnte der amtierende Verteidigungsminister Dimitar Stojanow. Die vorhandenen MIG-29-Flugzeuge werden bis Mitte 2023 einsatzfähig sein. Mit Polen würden..
Υπάρχει κίνδυνος η βουλγαρική πολεμική αεροπορία να μην είναι σε θέση να εκτελέσει την αποστολή της, ανακοίνωσε ο αναπληρωτής υπουργός Άμυνας Ντιμίταρ Στογιάνοφ κατά την παρουσίαση της ομάδας του υπουργείου του. Τα αεροσκάφη MIG-29 θα..