Eто една интересна история, която от просто мечта и стремеж, стъпка по стъпка се превръща в реалност. И не само! "До Финландия и назад", освен и из цяла Европа е част от неговата история, като пит стоп междувременно и за тръмплин му служи Сезон 10 на..
"If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile," St. Paul said in his First Epistle to the Corinthians. Christ's Incarnation and the culmination of His redemptive work - His death and His Resurrection - is the heart of Christian..
Thousands of believers will flock to the St. Alexander Nevksi cathedral where, at midnight, the Resurrection will be celebrated. The divine liturgy begins at 11.30 PM, and half an hour later the attendees will join the procession to walk around..
During the holy liturgy in Orthodox churches of Bulgaria, there is one chant that is performed only once a year. Only on Good Friday, the chant “Nadgrobnoe ridanie" (Sepulchral lamentation in English), also known as the "Opelo Christovo” (Requiem..
National Assembly President Iva Miteva extended greetings to Orthodox Christians with the words: “The Resurrection of Christ is a celebration of good and life, of joy and of hope, of light and of faith. Let there be peace and prosperity in your..
Orthodox Christians are celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, a symbol of the triumph over evil and death. Metropolitan bishop of Vratsa Grogoriy brought the Holy Fire to the St. Alexander cathedral where he conducted Easter..
The Orthodox Christians mark Holy Saturday today- the last day of the Holy Week. It commemorates the day that Jesus’s body lay in the tomb and the Harrowing of Hell. Today, priests change alter cloths and vestments from dark to bright which..
The second day of the Resurrection of Christ marks the beginning of the Bright Week or Renewal Week in Orthodox Christianity. The week is called bright because the Resurrection of Christ brings enlightenment to all people. The Bright Week continues until..
В рубриката "БГ ПОСТЕР" ще ви информираме за актуалните концертни събития. Едно от тях е израз на любовта към приятел в беда. След две много успешни събития, съучениците на Кари отново организират концерт за да я подкрепят. През изминалия уикенд..