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Birdwatching walk in the sea garden of Varna

Conservationists from Bulgaria Bird Walks are organising a birdwatching walk in Varna today to observe water fowl and forest birds. Two walks are planned in the Sea Garden at 9.00 and 13.00.  There will be similar outings every month in the city, said..

05.01.25 08:05 |
Dr. Gueorgui Guerdzhikov, Traventuria

Bulgaria figura entre los destinos TOP de Europa para la observación de aves

En cuanto a la diversidad de aves, Bulgaria ocupa uno de los primeros puestos en Europa y se encuentra entre los cinco principales destinos del llamado turismo ornitológico o birdwatching en el Viejo Continente, según se desprende de nuestra..

17.10.24 14:00 |

Bulgaria is among the top destinations for birdwatching in Europe

In terms of bird diversity Bulgaria occupies one of the leading places in Europe and is among the the TOP 5 destinations for birdwatching tourism on the Old Continent, we learn from our conversation with Dr. Georgi Gerdzhikov, who has..

17.10.24 12:37 |

Наблюдение на птици по случай Атанасовден

Наблюдение на птици ще се състои днес на Атанасовското езеро, където любителите на различните видове ще могат да практикуват т.нар. birdwatching. "Ще се осигурят бинокли и оптични тръби, за да могат хората да се насладят на гледката", посочи..

18.01.23 08:10 |
Vultur grifon

Bulgaria se numără printre cele mai populare destinații pentru turismul de birdwatching

Birdwatching-ul, adică observarea păsărilor în mediul lor natural, devine un tip de turism din ce în ce mai popular în Bulgaria, a declarat pentru BTA Petar Iankov, unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți ornitologi din țara noastră. Cu zeci de ani în urmă, când a..

27.09.22 09:53 |

Bulgaria is among the most popular destinations for birdwatching tourism in Europe

Birdwatching, or the observation of birds in their natural environment, has been becoming an increasingly popular type of tourism in Bulgaria, Petar Yankov, one of the most famous ornithologists in this country, has told BTA. Decades..

26.09.22 07:35 |

Bulgaria, entre los destinos más populares para el turismo de birdwatching

El birdwatching o la observación de aves en su entorno natural se está convirtiendo en un tipo de turismo cada vez más popular en Bulgaria, dijo ante BTA Petar Yankov, uno de los ornitólogos más famosos de nuestro país. Décadas atrás, cuando nació en..

26.09.22 05:05 |

Bulgaria once again hosts European bird days

Guests from Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia will be arriving in Bulgaria on 3 and 4 October for the miracle of bird migration. This is one of the biggest international events organized by the Bulgarian Society for the..

03.10.20 06:00 |
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