Eмисия новини
от 07.00 часа

Westinghouse begins studies for the delivery of fuel for Kozloduy NPP Unit 6

Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant and Westinghouse Electric Company concluded a contract on the licensing of fuel for Unit 6 of the NPP, the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy has announced. The signing, which took place in Sofia, was attended by caretaker..

20.12.24 14:33 |

Bulgaria signs engineering contract for new nuclear capacity with Westinghouse and Hyundai 

An engineering contract for the construction of new capacity at the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has been signed by NPP Kozloduy - New Capacities and the Westinghouse and Hyundai consortium . Within a year, the engineering design, worth between..

04.11.24 15:14 |

Bulgargaz nu a plătit companiei turce BOTAȘ pentru așa-numita capacitate rezervată de gaze din iulie

Furnizorul de gaze naturale de stat Bulgargaz a angajat un consilier juridic pentru a apăra interesele companiei bulgare de gaze în legătură cu contractul de stocare și furnizare a gazelor naturale cu compania turcă BOTAȘ. Contractul stipulează că..

18.10.24 13:15 |

Bulgargaz has not paid Turkish company BOTAŞ for the so-called reserved gas capacity since July

State-owed natural gas supplier Bulgargaz has hired a legal councillor to defend the interests of the Bulgarian gas company in connection with the contract for natural gas storage and supply with the Turkish-owned company BOTAŞ. Bulgargaz..

18.10.24 08:49 |
LB Bulgaricum EAD CEO Zhivko Zhivkov and Meiji Executive Officer Shigeru Taniguchi signing the contract on October 17, Sofia.

LB Bulgaricum EAD, Meiji to set up joint research laboratory in Bulgaria

Bulgarian state-owned company LB Bulgaricum and Japanese giant Meiji signed a contract to establish a world-class joint research laboratory. The official ceremony was attended by interim Economy Minister Petko Nikolov and Japanese Ambassador Michigami..

17.10.24 14:19 |

Hospitality industry accounts for most cases of informal employment

Nearly one-quarter of off-the-books employment cases were found in the hotel and restaurant industry, according to data from inspections by the Executive Agency "General Labour Inspectorate." From January to July 2024, 451 cases of informal employment..

20.08.24 16:27 |
Radoslav Ribarski

PP-DB propune ca DANS și Parchetul să investigheze afacerea gazelor cu Botaș

Continuăm Schimbarea - Bulgaria Democrati (PP-DB) a propus ca documentația privind contractul de transport de gaze cu compania energetică de stat turcă Botaș să fie predată Agenției de Stat pentru Securitate Națională (DANS) și Parchetului. "Acest..

11.04.24 15:30 |
Hristo Gadzhev

Ukrainian and other foreign Mi helicopters to undergo repairs in Sofia

Terem-Letets will repair Ukrainian helicopters, MP Hristo Gadzhev, chairman of the parliamentary defence committee said for the BNR. “A contract was concluded not long ago – we shall see how it will be put into practice – between Terem and a..

20.02.24 09:55 |
F-16 Block 70

Bulgarian MiG-29s to be overhauled in Poland

Poland takes over the repair of 6 MiG-29 engines. The Ministry of Defence announced that it has signed a contract with Poland with the aim of ensuring that MiG-29 aircraft are airworthy and reach operational capability for combat duty with the new F-16..

11.08.23 14:00 |
Nikolai Denkov

Denkov: Campania de comunicare pentru euro va începe în septembrie

Temerile care sunt insuflate în mod deliberat împotriva euro sunt în mare parte nefondate, a declarat premierul Nikolai Denkov, răspunzând la întrebările cetățenilor și ale mass-media în timpul unei transmisiuni în direct pe pagina oficială de Facebook a..

07.08.23 16:00 |
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