Cada año, al final de la Cuaresma, el mundo cristiano espera, tembloroso de emoción, la noticia sobre el triunfo de la luz sobre las fuerzas de la oscuridad: La Resurrección de Jesucristo. Los preparativos para este gran día comienzan el Sábado de..
According to Orthodox Christian beliefs, one should eat only vegetable food for seven weeks during the Easter Fast. All types of animal origin foods such as cheese, milk, eggs, butter, cream and other dairy and meat products are strictly..
Hay conflictos recurrentes, el jefe no está contento, los empleados están exhaustos de sus tareas y el trabajo no va bien. Si uno cambia de entorno esperando que las cosas sean distintas, tarde o temprano este esquema tan familiar puede repetirse. En un..
Conflicts that repeat constantly, unhappy bosses and employees, down-and-out by this crawling working process… If one changes the office, hoping for a better working atmosphere, the scheme might get repeated some day. Some people reconcile..
Las sonrisas de los viejos celuloides con la presencia de los actores predilectos del espectador nacional o las interpretaciones virtuosas del hombre-orquesta Kamen Donev, la sátira del autor búlgaro Radoi Ralin o el fino humor del inglés Sir Pelham..
Qu’est-ce qui fait rire les Bulgares ? Quelles sont leurs sources de bonne humeur au quotidien ? Des moments comiques, des phrases originales et encore : « Dans la vie il y a toute une liste de choses qui dessinent le sourire sur mes lèvres,..
Smiles from old flicks with Bulgaria’s best-loved actors or the virtuoso performances by the stage’s one-man-show Kamen Donev, Radoy Ralin’s biting satire or P.G. Wodehouse’s inimitable humour – the list of things that make Bulgarians laugh is a..
Le 30 mars nous ajoutons 60 minutes à l’heure légale. Pour certains ce sera un tracas de plus qui viendra s’ajouter à la traditionnelle fatigue de printemps. On a du mal à s’endormir, on a de la peine à se lever et voici que maintenant on doit..
On March 30, we are moving our clocks one hour forward to observe Daylight Savings Time. So it seems the spring fatigue is not enough but here's now a time shift as well. But who is asking us whether we want or not to experience the so-called..
Më 30 mars i lëvizëm akrepat e orës një orë përpara. Nuk na mjafton lodhja pranverore ja tani edhe ndërrim i orës. Fjetje e vështirës, ngritja e vështirë nga gjymi, kjo është një vjedhje e reglamentuar e gjymit. Por kush na pyet neve a duam ose jo të..
BTA’nın aktardığı üzere, Avusturya İşiçleri Bakanlığı, Avusturya’nın Romanya ve Bulgaristan’ın Schengen bölgesine tam üyeliğine ilişkin vetosunu..
Bugün 51. Uluslararası Sofya Kitap Fuarı , Ulusal Kültür Sarayı’nda /NDK/ kapılarını açacak. 15 Aralık tarihine kadar devam edecek olan..
Anayasa’nın gerekliliklerini yerine getirerek Cumhurbaşkanı Rumen Radev , 10 Aralık günü yeni kabinenin kurulmasına ilişkin ilk hükümet kurma..