A la hora de construir un monasterio el lugar que se elige no es casual. Esto es válido también para el monasterio de Chiprovtsi. Fue creado en el siglo X en una pintoresca localidad ubicada en la Cordillera de los Balcanes. Dista a 22 kilómetros de la..
Forty-seven winners from the European Union's 28 member states have joined the all-European ceremony for the European Parliament Citizen's Prize underway in Brussels on 14 and 15 October. Bulgaria's holder of the prestigious..
According to a survey made in 2014 under a program of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, one out of four or five women in Europe has become victim of violence or sexual aggression. The results of the survey in Bulgaria confirm this..
A team of scientists has managed to produce electricity from hydrogen sulphide in the Black Sea. The discovery gives hope to inventors in search of new and environmentally friendly sources of energy. Hydrogen sulphide that is present in the Black Sea..
Primera ciudad, o centro. Este podría ser el significado que los fundadores del Primer Imperio Búlgaro dieron a su capital en el siglo VII. Eligieron un lugar donde se cruzaban importantes rutas comerciales, y el terreno a su vez ofrecía excelentes..
First city, centre – that is the meaning of the name Pliska, which the founders of the First Bulgarian Kingdom gave to their capital in the 7 th century. They selected a location where major trade routes intersected, whereas the..
There is no difference in the number of teachers seeking employment in the beginning of this school year in comparison to the past. The number of unemployed university graduates in this country is nearly 4,000, almost the same as last year...
The prison is not a place for good guys, but there are some of those here as well, says one of the prisoners with years spent behind bars. Not everyone can think it all over at a spot where one has no right to make his own choice and it is hard..
Todos los días nos topamos con ellas, con las personas sin hogar. Ellos hurgan en los contenedores de basura y trasnochan en los túneles y en los parques, vestidos de ropa rota y sucia. Al notarlos nos planteamos preguntas sobre el estado de nuestra..
A peak situated in the Rhodope Mountains was named after a fairytale character. People call it Znezhanka (Snow white), because it is covered with snow most time of the year. Winter there lasts from November until May. The peak rises some 15..
18-19 Ocak günleri arasında Bansko'da düzenlenecek olan Snowboard Dünya Kupası’na “9 ülkeden 135 yarışmacı katılacak. Ülkemiz,..
Ağaç oymacılığı topraklarımızda yüzyıllardır devam eden bir sanat ve zanaat geleneğidir. Oyma ve ahşap işçiliği ağaç üzerinde dekoratif motiflerin,..
Cumarte si günü ülke genelinde güneşli hava etkili olacak. En düşük hava sıcaklığı sıfırın altında 6 ile sıfırın altında 1 derece arasında,..