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author: Gergana Mancheva

The cuckoo calls for the first time, animals awaken from their winter sleep on Blagovets

The feast of the Annunciation (Blagoveshtenie in Bulgaria) is a holy day , a symbol of God’s infinite mercy to people and especially to women, blessed to bear new life, but also an embodiment of the eternal human longing for something better in the..

25.03.25 11:05 |

‎March 22 is a holiday in Veliko Tarnovo – a day to honor the glorious past of Bulgaria's medieval capital

Veliko Tarnovo is proud of its glorious past, encoded in the city’s holiday, associated with the day of the Holy Forty Martyrs – the spiritual patrons of Bulgaria's medieval capital. On the day of the 40 followers of Christ (March 22 according to..

22.03.25 11:05 |

Zona euro și Bulgaria - de la entuziasm la scepticism

În urmă cu puțin mai puțin de o lună, ministrul de finanțe Temenujka Petkova a prezentat, la Bruxelles, progresele înregistrate de Bulgaria pe drumul către aderarea la zona euro. Acolo, ea a declarat că, prin politica sa fiscală prudentă, țara și-a..

14.03.25 16:15 |

La eurozona y Bulgaria: del escepticismo a la impaciencia

Hace menos de un mes, la ministra de Finanzas, Temenuzhka Petkova, presentó en Bruselas los progresos de Bulgaria en cuanto a la preparación de su adhesión a la zona euro. Allí afirmaba que, con su prudente política fiscal, Bulgaria se ha ganado desde..

14.03.25 15:14 |

The Eurozone and Bulgaria – from enthusiasm to skepticism

A little less than a month ago, Minister of Finance Temenuzhka Petkova presented, in Brussels, the headway Bulgaria has made along the road to joining the Eurozone. There, she stated that with its prudent fiscal policy, the country had earned its..

14.03.25 14:23 |

La traidora enfermedad del cáncer de mama afecta a una de cada ocho mujeres búlgaras

En Bulgaria llamamos al mes de marzo "el mes femenino", no sólo porque solemos asociar el tiempo cambiante con la imagen de la caprichosa "Baba Marta"- que cambia bruscamente su humor -, sino también por el 8 de marzo, Día Internacional de la Mujer...

07.03.25 15:20 |

Breast cancer affects one in eight Bulgarian women 

In many cultures, the whole month of March is a time to focus on women. Bulgarians refer to it as "Women's Month" because they associate the changing weather of March, Granny Martha as they call it, with the proverbial ever-changing moods of women. But..

07.03.25 14:39 |

Red and white – the Bulgarian spring health amulet is shrouded in legends and beliefs

According to popular belief, the color red has the power of the sun and gives vitality to every living being, while white symbolizes purity, innocence and joy . The appearance of the twisted white and red threads, known as martenitsa, means that winter..

01.03.25 05:05 |

How smart micro-installations can help Bulgarian households save on electricity bills

Bulgaria has favorable climatic conditions for producing electricity from the su n, even in the transitional seasons of spring and autumn. One of the cities with the best conditions for using photovoltaic systems is Dupnitsa. The southwestern..

27.02.25 14:32 |

Microinstalaciones inteligentes ayudan a los hogares búlgaros a ahorrar en la factura de la luz

Bulgaria tiene unas condiciones climáticas favorables para generar electricidad a partir de la energía solar, incluso en las estaciones de transición de primavera y otoño. Entre las ciudades con mejores condiciones para el uso de sistemas fotovoltaicos..

26.02.25 16:26 |