The Declaration of Independence is one of the brightest triumphs of Bulgarian statehood. A rare moment in which citizens and rulers managed to "think alike and strive for one thing" in the name of the well-being of the Motherland, President Rumen..
“The mass protests belong to all citizens. The people in the squares today are neither smugglers, nor the mafia, they are the Bulgarian people, the only sovereign by virtue of the constitution, and they are determined to get their..
Bulgaria's Head of State Rumen Radev has discussed the need for changes in the Constitution with members of the president's legal council. Radev has pointed out that the lack of sufficient guarantees for an independent and efficient judiciary poses..
A week ago, a series of events unleashed mass discontent among Bulgarians. Coincidentally or not, the attempt of the leader of "Yes, Bulgaria" party, Hristo Ivanov, to reach the beach near the oil port of "Rosenets" and his fight with..
The National Assembly has rejected President Rumen Radev's veto and re-approved the disputed changes to the law on the Interior Ministry. The veto was supported by 59 MPs from the socialist party. The majority, with 136 votes, approved the changes..
President Rumen Radev has referred the provisions of the Health Act and the declaration of an emergency epidemic situation to the Constitutional Court. The head of state disputes the power of the Council of Ministers to declare the measures, as well as..
There are no prerequisites and need for early parliamentary elections. President Rumen Radev’s report for the second year of his mandate is blackening Bulgaria’s image. This was what Chairperson of the National Assembly Tsveta Karayancheva said...
A year of illusory stability, increasing lawlessness and erosion of democratic acquisitions – that is how President Rumen Radev described 2018. At a press conference to mark the second anniversary of his inauguration as president, the..
“There can be no successful policies without a strong economy, just as there can be no strong economic performance without an adequate state policy towards businesses, with regard to quality of education, administrative burden, the fight against..
“Regulating the activities of religious denominations in Bulgaria should lead to the creation of a stable social environment for the clergy and to a firm commitment by the institutions to ensure they receive decent wages,” said President Rumen Radev..