Eмисия новини
от 18.00 часа
The forum at the National Museum of Archeology

The Untold Stories of Bulgarians programme gathers the legacy of our compatriots as ancestral memory

A short video kaleidoscope of the "untold stories" of worthy Bulgarians - scientists, entrepreneurs, engineers, artists - who have contributed to our country's good image in the eyes of the world opened an unconventional public forum that showcased the..

14.11.24 12:48 |
University of Lisbon

Study of Bulgarian and 5 other Slavic languages available at the University of Lisbon

There are 52,000 students at the biggest higher educational establishment in Portugal, 20,000 of them of other nationalities. Bulgarian culture has been part of this conglomeration of different cultures for more than 30 years. The Bulgarian language..

10.10.24 11:57 |
Assoc. Prof. Marco Scarpa

Assoc. Prof. Marco Scarpa: Language and alphabet should not be used for confrontation, they should be valued as a shared wealth

Assoc. Prof. Marco Scarpa studies Cyril and Methodius’ legacy and the role of the Southern Slavic scriptoriums, and the 14 th century men of letters who worked there for the flourishment of culture in the Balkans. He is also interested in the..

15.07.24 08:00 |
Bulgaria gallery in Rome

Centennial birth anniversary of Bulgarian studies expert Prof. Riccardo Picchio honoured in Rome

The centennial birth anniversary of Prof. Riccardo Picchio – a slavicist and an expert in Bulgarian studies of international renown, will be honoured with an exhibition, opening on 31 May at Bulgaria gallery in Rome. The event, organized by the..

31.05.24 11:52 |
Assoc. Prof. Natalia Nyagolova

Assoc. Prof. Natalia Nyagolova from Rome: In Italy, there is interest in studying the Bulgarian language

"La Sapienza" in Rome is one of the oldest and most prestigious Italian universities, founded in 1303. Today it is the largest university in Europe by the number of full-time students. Similar to other higher education institutions in Italy, the..

07.02.24 17:30 |
Снимка: Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“

70 participants from 25 countries took part in the Bulgarian Language Seminar at the University of Veliko Tarnovo

More than 70 participants from 25 countries gathered this summer at the seminar on Bulgarian language and culture, organized by the University of Veliko Tarnovo "Sts. Cyril and Methodius". The 46th edition of the seminar was attended..

18.07.23 17:10 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elka Traykova.

Online portal to facilitate Bulgarian studies worldwide

"Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad" is a three-year national scientific programme, explains its coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elka Traykova.  The programme is intended to be used in state institutions, where interest in the subject..

06.03.23 18:04 |

University lecturers call for the adoption of a national strategy for Bulgarian language

University lecturers from 5 Bulgarian universities are calling for the adoption of a national strategy for Bulgarian language. Lecturers from the University of Veliko Tarnovo adopted a declaration with 11 requests related to Bulgarian studies and..

13.06.22 10:10 |
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