The residents of Bulgaria's village of Kamenovo near the town of Nova Zagora are planning to send an invitation for a visit to the newly elected US President Joe Biden after his official inauguration in office . The locals are planning to welcome Joe..
La Grèce espère de meilleures relations avec les USA après l’élection de Joe Biden Après l’élection de Joe Biden au poste de président des USA, les relations gréco-américaines deviendront plus fortes à tous les niveaux possibles. C’est..
"Ich gratuliere Joe Biden und Kamala Harris zum erfolgreichen Wahlkampf bei den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen 2020", schrieb Präsident Rumen Radew auf seinem Twitter-Account. Radew teilt die Ansicht, dass die US-Bürger bei ihrer Wahl von ihrem Wunsch..
"My greetings to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on the success of their campaign," Bulgarian President Rumen Radev wrote in his Twitter account. He added that American citizens who voted were led by desire to contribute to the continuation of democratic..
“Felicito a Joe Biden y a Kamala Harris por el éxito de su campaña en las elecciones presidenciales 2020 en los EE.UU.” Esto ha escrito el jefe de Estado búlgaro, Rumnen Radev, en su perfil en Twitter. Radev ha expresado su opinión de que los..
« Je salue Joe Biden et Kamala Harris pour le succès de leur campagne lors de la présidentielle aux USA en 2020 ». C’est ce qu’a écrit le président Roumen Radev dans son profil dans Twitter. Il a souligné que d’après lui, les citoyens américains ont été..
‘ABD’nin 2020 Başkanlık seçimi kampanyalarının başarısından dolayı Joe Biden ile Kamala Harris’i kutluyorum’. Cumhurbaşkanı Radev bunu Twitter hesabındaki paylaşımında yazdı. Radev, Amerikan yurttaşlarının seçimlerinde anavatanlarının demokratik..
Başbakan Boyko Borisov Facebook hesabında ABD’de seçim sonuçları ile ilgili şunları yazdı: " Joe Biden ve Kamala Harris'i kutlarım! Bulgar hükümetinin ABD ile ortaklığı derinleştirmek ve transatlantik işbirliğini pekiştirmek yönünde çalışma..
“Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris! I would like to reaffirm the determination of the Bulgarian government to work towards deepening partnership with the USA and strengthening transatlantic cooperation”. This was what Bulgaria’s Premier..