Eмисия новини
от 12.00 часа
Ministrja e Drejtësisë Nadezhda Jordanova

Ministrja e Drejtësisë Nadezhda Jordanova nuk do të diskutojë me Laura Kövesi për dorëheqjen e Prokurorit të Përgjithshëm

Dorëheqja e Prokurorit të Përgjithshëm të Bulgarisë Ivan Geshev nuk do të jetë temë e bisedimeve me Prokuroren e Përgjithshme Evropiane Laura Kövesi gjatë vizitës së saj në Bullgari më 16 mars, tha Ministrja e Drejtësisë Nadezhda Jordanova. Ajo..

15.03.22 18:24 |
Prokurori i Përgjithshëm Ivan Geshev

Është shtyrë procedura për lirimin e parakohshëm të Prokurorit të Përgjithshëm

Këshilli i Lartë Gjyqësor e shtyu shqyrtimin e kërkesës së Ministres së Drejtësisë Nadezhda Jordanova për ndërprerje të parakohshme të mandatit të Prokurorit të Përgjithshëm Ivan Geshev. Gjyqtarët vendosën që së pari të hartojnë rregulla të veçanta..

10.03.22 14:41 |
Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev

Procedure for the dismissal of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev postponed

The Supreme Judicial Council, SJC, has postponed the examination of the application by Justice Minister Nadezhda Yordanova for the early termination of the powers of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev. The judges ruled to draw up special procedure..

10.03.22 12:34 |
Justice Minister Nadezhda Yordanova

Justice Minister: The prosecutor’s office only sees spies when there is criticism of Ivan Geshev

Regarding the information, disclosed by Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev regarding the two Russian spies, Justice Minister Nadezhda Yordanova stated that the prosecutor’s office only opens its eyes to see them and their activities on our territory when..

05.03.22 14:05 |
Justice Minister Nadezhda Yordanova

Justice Minister Yordanova files proposal for dimissal of Bulgaria's prosecutor general

Bulgaria's Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova has submitted to the Supreme Judicial Council a proposal for the release of the Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev from his post . She points to nine new circumstances, including police violence during..

02.03.22 18:55 |

Bulgaria is the EU member state with the highest number of prosecutors per capita

Bulgaria is the EU member state with the highest number of prosecutors per capita and the highest ratio of government spending on prosecution to gross domestic product, Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova said in connection with the decision..

17.02.22 14:14 |

PM Petkov will have to say the names of people allegedly standing at the root of economic crime

Prime Minister Kiril Petkov will be summoned to the Prosecutor's Office for explanations in connection with his words that there were about 20 people in Bulgaria who were at the heart of economic crime, but the prosecutor's office had not taken any..

07.02.22 18:15 |
Ivan Geshev

Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General wants stricter EU monitoring of Bulgaria

Enhanced dialogue with the European institutions and monitoring – this is what Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev is requesting of the MEPs. Addressing the European Parliament’s LIBE Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights..

27.01.22 13:15 |
Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev

European Parliament’s LIBE monitoring group to hold hearing of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev

Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev has been invited to take part in a hearing at the European Parliament, organized by the EP’s LIBE Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group (DRFMG) The sitting is to take place..

27.01.22 06:10 |
Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev

We Continue the Change demand the resignation of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev

Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev must resign and take responsibility for his actions , the parliamentary group of the ruling We Continue the Change party stated in a declaration read out in plenary, citing as motives the fact there are no..

14.01.22 12:12 |
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