With the introduction of the polluter pays principle, there will be changes in the waste collection fee for Sofia residents, Mayor Vasil Terziev said for bTV. ''Some people will pay more, others will pay less. If you generate a lot of waste,..
Potrivit lui Gheorghi Gheorghiev, liderul grupului GERB-SDS din consiliul municipal din Sofia, zece la sută, adică un număr impresionant de 325 de angajați ai primăriei din Sofia au fost concediați, în ciuda promisiunilor făcute de primarul Sofiei, Vasil..
At a meeting with the Mayor of Sofia, Vasil Terziev, the resigned Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov promised that actions would be taken to ensure the safety and tranquility of the citizens and guests of the capital. Anti-immigration protest was..
At a meeting with ambassador of Ukraine to Sofia, Olesya Ilashchuk, I told her that the Ukrainian flag will be flown over the Municipality alongside the Bulgarian and European flags, while Ukrainian men and women are defending our..
Public transport workers in the capital city took to the streets this morning demanding a 30% pay rise. The protest, organised by the Federation of Transport Unions of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria, led to delays on some..
Başkent Belediye Meclisi oturumu sadece 15 dakika sürdü. 57 meclis üyesinden 56’sı bir kez daha Başkan seçiminin ertelenmesi yönünde oy kullandı. Toplantı gündemindeki tek nokta buydu. Bir sonraki oturumun 25 Ocak’ta yapılması bekleniyor ...
Today's meeting of the Sofia Municipal Council lasted only 15 minutes . 56 out of 57 councilors voted once again to postpone the election of the Municipal Council chairman. That was the only item on the agenda. Political groups in Sofia Municipal..
Există riscul unei crize a gunoiului în Sofia în următorii trei ani, dacă nu se iau măsuri urgente. Aceasta este concluzia unei inspecții efectuate la Stația de tratare a deșeurilor din Sofia de către noua conducere, care a preluat mandatul la..
Sofia is at risk of a waste crisis in the next three years unless urgent measures are taken. This is the conclusion of an inspection of the Waste Treatment Distribution Company by its new management, which took over at the end of November...
El quinto intento del Consejo Municipal de Sofía de elegir presidente resultó infructuoso. Continuamos con el Cambio - Bulgaria Democrática y Salvemos Sofía retiraron la candidatura de Boris Bonev y propusieron para la presidencia del Consejo Municipal..