Στην 27 η Διεθνή Τουριστική Έκθεση, που διεξήχθη από τις 16 μέχρι τις 18 Μαρτίου στη Μόσχα, το παραθαλάσσιό μας θέρετρο Albena προσέλκυσε την προσοχή με ελκυστικό πρόγραμμα αποκατάστασης της υγείας μετά από Covid-19. Το πρόγραμμα βασίζεται..
Kuzey Karadeniz’imizin en güzel tatil yerlerinden biri olan Balçik, 2021 yazına hazırlıyor. Bu amaçla, yerel yönetim, şehre ve şehrin doğal ve kültürel simge yapılarına adanmış altı tanıtım videosu hazırladı. Balçik Belediyesi, reklam filmlerinde..
Kuzey Karadeniz sahillerinde meşhur “Albena” tatil köyünde bütün oteller Noel ve Yılbaşında kapalı kalacak. Tatil köyünde SPA ve sağlık turizmi imkanlarına rağmen, oteller açılmayacak. “Albena AD” şirketler grubu temsilcisi Krasimira..
Todos los hoteles del centro marítimo de Albena, en la costa norte búlgara del mar Negro, quedarán cerrados durante las fiestas de Navidad y Año Nuevo, a pesar de las oportunidades que ofrecen para practicar deportes, para recreación y tratamiento..
All hotels in the "Albena" resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast remain closed for Christmas and New Year, despite the opportunities for sports, recreation and spa outside the active season. However, the complex can be used for walks. "The most..
Pour la station balnéaire „Albéna“ la stratégie de pratiquer des prix bas dans la location de transats et de parasols s'est avérée gagnante. De l'avis de son directeur exécutif Krassimir Stantchev, les prix excessifs ont fait fuir les vacanciers qui ont..
Albena complex evaluates the strategy for low prices of sunbeds and umbrellas as a winning one. According to executive director Krassimir Stanev, in the previous summer season the high prices drove many of the domestic tourists to Greece. This..
Vendpushimi “Albena” në bregdetin verior pranë Detit të Zi filloi mbylljen me etapa të hoteleve. Shkaku është numri gjithnjë e më i vogël i turistëve. Fluturimet charter anulohen. Ditën e premte Gjermania – një prej tregjeve më të rëndësishme për..
El complejo turístico Albena, situado en el litoral norte búlgaro del mar Negro, ha acometido el cierre escalonado de las instalaciones hoteleras debido al número cada vez más menguante de los turistas. Se van cancelando vuelos charter. El viernes 7 de..
The Albena resort complex on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast has started to gradually close hotels. The reason is the declining number of tourists. Charter flights have been canceled. On Friday, Germany - one of the most important markets for..