In the period from the beginning of the year until April, 3 , 204 Bulgarians have declared, upon de-registration from job centres, that they are leaving to work abroad. Minister of Labour and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva stated in..
Almost 240,000 jobs will be saved thanks to the "60/40" measure, Bulgaria's Ministry of Labour and Social Policy has announced. A total of 14,351 applications have already been received from employers for compensation for maintaining the jobs of their..
For the first time since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis in Bulgaria, the number of newly employed persons is higher than those newly registered at the employment offices. In the week of May 18-24, a total of 8,028 people found jobs, while the newly..
The Covid-19 crisis has affected every aspect of life around the world. An international survey (of and conducted in 15 countries (Finland, Central Europe, the Balkans and the Baltics) i ndicates that 55% of workers believe..
The deadline for employers until which they can apply for compensation for maintaining employment and their employees has been extended until June 30, the Tripartite Council for Social Cooperation has decided. The state aid known as the 60/40 scheme..
28 , 623 people have found jobs in the time of the state of emergency over Covid-19 in Bulgaria. 1,200 unemployed were appointed on 13 May alone, the last day of the state of emergency, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy reports. Over..
Redundancies at Arsenal arms factory in the town of Kazanlak have begun, the BNR correspondent in Stara Zagora reports. At the end of March the company informed the employment office in Kazanlak that it was going to make 2,000 workers..
The number of jobless Bulgarians who register at the employment offices has been declining for nearly one week, this country’s Minister of Labor and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva announced . An average of 2.300 Bulgarians registered as..
At an extraordinary meeting, the Bulgarian government has approved a no-interest loan program to protect people deprived of the opportunity to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Developed by the Bulgarian Development Bank, the program will be..
The number of newly-registered unemployed in Bulgaria since the beginning of the state of emergency until now is 72,000, but 11,000 have already found a new job, this country’s Minister of Labor and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva announced . On..