The poor results of the national external assessment have focused public attention on one major problem - the quality of Bulgarian education. They have raised a number of questions: what knowledge and skills do graduates have; are they able to meet the..
Unemployment in Bulgaria is now at the level of 4.9%, the National Statistical Institute has reported. A decline of 1.4% was marked in comparison to the first quarter of 2021. The economic activity rate for the population aged 15-64..
6,500 Ukrainian citizens have already looked for work using the services of the labour offices across Bulgaria , the Employment Agency has reported. Another 10,000 refugees have consulted mobile teams. Among the most sought-after job vacancies by..
The Bulgarian economy has the opportunity to employ a significant number of Ukrainian refugees, Minister of Innovation and Growth Daniel Lorer said after a meeting with employers. There have been specific offers for more than 150,000..
Dozens of job advertisements have already been uploaded on the Single information portal set up by the Bulgarian government for Ukrainian refugees. The portal . has job listings for nurses, waiters, cooks and nannies, language..
The number of newly registered unemployed in the country in the period from the beginning of the year up until 21 November is in excess of 250,000. 206,000 people have found jobs via employment agencies over the same period, indicate latest..
Unemployment in Bulgaria continues to drop, and in June stood at 5.2%, the National Employment Agency says, a 0.5% drop compared to May, and a 3.1% drop on an annual basis (from 8.3% in June, 2020) 170,716 is the number of registered..
Around 700 more people have started work compared to the number of newly registered unemployed at job centres, show latest data of the National Statistical Institute and the Employment Agency which monitored the labour market because of Covid-19...
The “60/40” measure aimed at preserv ing employment during the pandemic will be extended from April 1 to May 31, according to government plans , BNR's Horizon t program has reported. The proposal will..
Tomorrow, more than 8,000 companies that have applied for state support will start receiving a total of EUR 58 million under the Operational Programme Innovation and Competitiveness, Bulgaria’s Minister of Economy Lachezar Borisov told BNR. On the..